contoh kalimat george coșbuc
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george coşbuc
Founded by poets Alexandru Vlahuță and George Coșbuc, it is primarily remembered as a tribune for early 20th century traditionalism, neo...

I need a phone. I need to call my CO. Aku butuh telepon, mau telepon pimpinanku.; So, Sloane and Co. versus Connors and who else? Jadi S...

Of co- - I'm-- just one minute. Ten... aku... tunggu sebentar.; have always and will continue to express themselves in co- selalu dan ak...

George said something that really stuck with me. George mengatakan sesuatu yang sangat menancap bagi saya.; George, Harry, come down to ...

Camair-Co has its headquarters in the Immeuble La Rotonde in Douala, and operates out of Douala International Airport. Camair-Co berbasi...

In company law, the term generally used is co-determination, following the German word Mitbestimmung. Di hukum perusahaan, istilah yang ...

The co-ed bathrooms take some getting used to. Butuh waktu, untuk terbiasa dengan kamar mandi bersama.; And I have co-ed PE class by mys...

Forgive her. She's never been in a co-educational atmosphere before. Maafkan dia, dia tak pernah merasakan suasana sekolah campuran sebe...

We figured out how to harmoniously co-exist. Kami menemukan bagaimana cara untuk hidup dalam harmoni; Remember, good and evil can't co-e...

Hachinosu-kai and Sukiya-kai enjoy a peaceful co-existence. Hachinosu-kai dan Sukiya-kai saling damai dan berdampingan.; Under the motto...

Um, my name's Bartleby Gaines and I'm the co-founder of Namaku Barleby Gaines dan aku pendiri dari; Emily, this is Eddy, co-founder of T...

We stopped looking at them as the problem to be solved, and we started looking at them as partners, as assets, as co-laborers in the str...

Morphemes can be classified according to whether they are independent morphemes, so-called roots, or whether they can only co-occur atta...

Various statistical analysis functions are also available such as co-occurrence network, multidimensional scaling, hierarchical cluster ...

The co-op board found out you were here. Pengurus apartemen, sudah menemukanmu berada di sini.; Lichens arose as a co-op. Fungi married ...

You will have to be my strength. You must co-operate. Kau harus menguatkanku, kau harus mendukungku.; If you co-operate, we won't kill y...

Vichy Admiral Darlan initiated co-operation with the Allies. Laksamana Vichy Darlan memulai kerja sama dengan Sekutu. ; It's a big chall...

They even tried to co-opt my candidacy. Yeah. Mereka bahkan mencoba untuk mengkooptasi pencalonanku.; Unh-unh. Don't co-opt that struggl...

Councillors were selected through co-option. Wakil-wakil rakyat dipilih melalui jalur pengakuan. ; This political co-option of the theme...

I'm co-ordinating with Burke and NSA on this. Aku koordinasi dengan Burke di NSA mengenai ini.; Assist with co-ordinating marketing acti...

Strategy, reflex, co-ordination one needs all that in this game. Strategi, refleks, koordinasi. Semuanya dibutuhkan dalam permainan ini....

He's not a foreign tour co-ordinator but an undercover cop! Dia bukan pemandu wisata asing tapi polisi yang menyamar!; This is the facil...

Made of a Flexible & Durable co-polymer polypropylene. Terbuat dari polypropylene co-polymer yang Fleksibel & Tahan Lama.

Fixing your credit rating will help, and try to find a new co-signor, or get a loan through one of those "everyone's approved" places IE...